

    Soil's geologic investigation in Daliangshan, Xichang, Sichuan

    • 摘要: 为探索适合中—高山区的土壤地质调查方法,选择兼具高寒山区、干热峡谷和中山宽谷盆地等不同地貌单元,以及沉积建造、岩浆建造和变质建造等不同地质建造类型的大凉山区西昌市进行试点研究。本次工作基于地质建造,将西昌市成土母质划分为7大类14个类,土壤地质单元分为31个类,并探讨了他们的互馈机制。研究认为,地质建造是土壤的物质基础,大体控制了土壤的平面分带,而海拔等地理因素则控制土壤的垂向分带。本项研究可为地方政府的规划布局提供数据支持和科学依据,也为高山区的土壤地质调查和生态地质调查提供了思路与范例。


      Abstract: In order to find a suitable method for soil's geological investigation in middle-high mountainous regions, we do this research by selecting various geographic units such as dry-hot canyons, alpine areas and broad valleys and different stratigraphic subregions such as sedimentary units, magmatic units and metamorphic units in Daliangshan region, Xichang, Sichuan. Based on geological backgrounds, the soil-forming parent material can be divided into 7 categories and 14 sub-categories in studied areas. It shows that stratigraphic subregions controlled soil's horizontal zoning processes while altitude and geography determined soil's horizontal zoning processes. 31 types of soil-geological units are identified in the studied region.


