

    Characteristics and Geological Significance of Liuyang-Type Chrysanthemum-Stone from Hunan Province

    • 摘要: 菊花石是天青石矿物在岩石中呈三度空间发育的放射状集合体。白色或微带黄色色调,半透明,因状如菊花故得名。湖南浏阳是盛产此珍贵石雕工艺品原料之地,故名浏阳式菊花石浏阳菊花石已有一百多年的开采历史,在1915年巴拿马国际博览会上荣获金奖。但在矿物学上的进一步认识,以及在地质学上把它作为一种找矿标志来加以重视,却是近几年的事。它赋存于华南二叠纪碳酸盐岩中,与世界上稀缺的海泡石粘土同属一个层位,密切共生,因而成为华南寻找海泡石的一个重要宏观标志。其分布如图1所示。


      Abstract: The Liuyang-type chrysanthemum-stone which is named after chrysanthemum and native to Liuyang County, Hunan Province is a kind of mineral flowers composed of radial aggregates of celestite and occurs in Permian carbonate rocks in South China. The chrysanthemum-stone consists of pistils and petals: the mineral compositions of pistils include colloidal quartz and fine-grained celestite, and the petals are made up of rhombic macro-prisms of cclestite only. Quartz is thought to be the product of silicified replacement for pistils and petals. The rocks associated with this type of chrysanthemum stone include Ca-Mg shale,marl,pebbly or nodular limestone and cherty limestone. The chrysanthemum-stone was formed in closed or semi-closed bay environments during early diagenesis. The chrysanthemum-stone is a kind of valuable stone for carving handicraft articles.It is remakable that it is often closely associated with sedimentary sepiolite.Therefore it may serve as an important indicator for prospecting sedimentary sepiolite clay deposits.


