The First Discovery and Characteristics of Seismites in the Coal-Bearing Strata
摘要: 地震是地球,特别是岩石圈的快速震动,是岩层受力快速破裂、错动的结果。据统计,全世界每年发生的地震约5×106次,其中,大部分为人们不易察觉到的小震。人们能感觉到的地震约5×104次,仅占总数的百分之一。从世界地震历史记录来看,七级以上的破坏性地震每年约20次。Abstract: Seismites are referred to as sedimentary sequences which were deposited due to the working of the unconsolidated submarine sediments by seismic activity in the tectonic active area. When investigating the geologic profiles of the East Yellow River coalfield, the authors discovered for the first time seismites in the Carboniferous coal-bearing strata. which may be subdivided from the bottom to the top into fault zone, microfolded zone and homogeneous bed. The study of the rocks will contribute to:(1)the understanding of the distribution and periodicity of ancient seismic activity and characteristics of palaeotectonic movements;(2)the supplement of the new content to seismic geology, stratigraphy and event sedimentology, and(3)the providing of information about plate movement.