Georecords is a system for the abstraction, storage and retrieval of geological data. The Georeeords database, which was implemented using the commercial database management sys-tem Dbase Ⅲ
+ and compiled under Nantucket clipper, is a menu-drive system which allows for data entry and editing, retrieval (filter-searcher and browsing and report generation). The sys-tem has been developed to facilitate access to a wide range of data derived from many different sources including published and unpublished literature, field notebooks, specimen forms etc., and become an international co-operative database. Three research groups have been engaged in such a big project, they are Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program (head office), the Canada Geo-records office and Chengdu Georecords Centre. As the system is advanced, powerful and flexi-ble, the Georecords database will take a great part in geoseiences.