

    The mineralization of the gold deposits in the Ailao Mountains, Yunnan

    • 摘要: 成矿作用包括成矿物质的来源、搬运及沉淀的全过程,其中最活跃的因素为成矿流体。可以说,没有流体就不会形成矿床,但也不是所有流体都成矿。笔者通过哀牢山蛇绿混杂岩带典型金矿床的物质组成、成矿规律、蚀变及控矿作用的研究,对哀牢山金矿带的成矿流体来源,成矿流体动力学、地球化学及物理化学性质进行了详细地讨论;对金矿的成矿物质来源,金在成矿流体中的存在形式,迁移过程中平衡、失稳-沉淀等进行了详细地分析和探讨。


      Abstract: The Mineralization is referred to as all the processes of the origin, transport and precipitation of ore-forming matter. The ore-forming fluids are apparently very significant in the formation of ore deposits although not all of them can lead to the formation of ore deposits. The present paper deals in detail with the origin, dynamics, geochemistry and physicochemistry of the ore-forming fluids, in combination with the origin of ore-forming matter, gold behaviour in the ore-forming fluids, equilibrium and unstability-precipitation in the course of migration on the basis of mineral composition and mineralization, alteration and ore-controlling factors of the representative gold deposits hosted in the Ailao Mountains ophiolitic melange belt, Yunnan.


