

    The development of water resources and water conservancy projects along the Jialing River, Sichuan

    • 摘要: 笔者首先从地学角度阐明长江流域的特大洪水泛滥在人类出现之前即已有之。所以,单靠维系原有自然状态尚不足以防止川中及长江中下游洪灾;在上游设置具有足够调洪能力的水利工程也是必要的和紧迫的措施。根据四川盆地及其周围的水资源状况、工程地质条件和对环境工程地质问题的预测,笔者认为,在盆地北部边缘山区的嘉陵江(主要是涪江和渠江)上游修建拦蓄工程,不但可消除川中旱洪灾害,同时将大大地减轻长江中下游的洪灾威胁。为此,对涪江和渠江流域的规划选点工作进行复查或补充勘查将是当务之急。


      Abstract: The Jialing River in central Sichuan is the largest tributary river in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River,and thus specially important in the prevention and control of flood disasters along the Yangtze River.In terms of the distribution of water resources,engineering geology and environmental engineering geology of the Sichuan Basin and its margins,the authors have proposed that it is crucial to the efforts to built more water conservancy projects such as dams and reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Jialing River(especially the Fujiang and Qujiang Rivers)so as to impound the flow of floodwater.In doing so,the droughts and inundations will certainly be reduced,and even eliminated not only in central Sichuan but also in the areas along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.For this reason,an overall plan should also be worked out for the construction of the water conservancy projects along the Fujiang and Qujiang rivers.


