

    Stratigraphic correlation of the Sanjianfang Formation in the Shanshan oil field, Xinjiang

    • 摘要: 油层的小层对比是油田开发研究的重要内容。新疆鄯善油田侏罗系三间房组为陆相沉积地层,作为油气储集层的砂层在平面分布上连续性较差,依据常规地质资料进行小层对比较为困难。笔者在鄯善油田三间房组油层的小层对比过程中,将油田开发的动态资料和三间房组的沉积韵律特征结合起来,较为可靠地研究了该区三间房组小层的连续性、砂体的分布边界及砂体的展布特征。


      Abstract: The microlayer correlation of oil beds is presented as an important technique for the development of oil fields.The Jurassic Sanjianfang Formation in the Shanshan oil field,Xinjiang is interpreted to be assigned to the continental-dominated sedimentary strata.The sandstone beds as oil reservoirs tend to be laterally inextensive, and thus are difficult to be correlated by means of the pre-existing geological data.The author integrates in this paper the current data on the development of oil fields with the sedimentary rhythmites in the Sanjianfang Formation so as to present the reliable results of research on the microlayer continuity,sandbody boundary and distribution.


