

    On the highlights of agricultural geology

    • 摘要: 本文对农业地质的学科属性,国内外农业地质的发展历史作了简要的介绍,并对农业地质的主攻方向,从四个方面作了具体的、初步的探讨。建议建立农业地质信息系统空间数据库,旨在推动对农业地质的重视和研究。


      Abstract: The present paper gives a brief overview of the attributes and historical perspectives of agricultural geology as a branch of environmental geology, and covers a number of main aspects in this field of research. The hig hlig hts include:(1)stratigraphy and lithology; (2)geomorphology; (3)geological structures and phenomena, and (4)hydrogeology.The spatial data bases about the ag ricultural geological information systems should be established in order to provide a stimulus for future research and for successful application.


