

    On the genesis of the gold deposits in Uzbekistan-The second investigation report on a visit to Uzbekistan by the China Scientist Delegation

    • 摘要: 乌兹别克斯坦的金矿资源十分丰富,其储量居世界第4位,产量居世界第8位。位于乌兹别克斯坦中部的克孜尔库姆地区是世界最大的金矿省之一。闻名世界的穆龙套金矿床就产在这里。乌兹别克斯坦的内生金矿床主要有4个工业-成因类型:金-石英型、金-硫化物-石英型、金-硫化物型和金-银-石英型。前三个类型统称之为克孜尔库姆型,穆龙套金矿床属于这个类型。本文重点讨论了克孜尔库姆型金矿床的成因问题。


      Abstract: Uzbekistan is rich in gold mineral resources. Its gold reserves and annual gold production occupy the fourth and eighth place in the world, respectively. Kyzylkum in central Uzbekistan is one of the largest gold provinces where Muruntau giant gold deposit lies. The gold deposits in Uzbekistan may be divided into 4 industrial-genetic types:gold-quartz, gold-sulfide-quartz, gold-sulfide and gold-silver-quartz types. The former three types are named after Kyzylkum type to which the Muruntau gold deposit belongs. The present paper puts emphasis on the genesis of the Kyzylkum-type gold deposits.


