

    Present and future of petroleum exploration in China: An overview of the “International Symposium on Chinese Petroleum Exploration in 21st Century”

    • 摘要: 在今年5月份召开的"21世纪中国油气勘探国际研讨会"上,中国三大石油公司及国外石油机构等方面的代表集中探讨了中国油气勘探形势、前景和勘探的热点,以及全球油气资源分布与人口、环境等方面的问题。中国三大石油公司近年来油气资源总量大幅度增长,不断向新地区、新盆地和新层系延伸,并在实践中总结出"构造脊运移"理论。借鉴对外合作经验,石油勘探应按照新区、未成熟区和成熟区3种类型,分别建立科学的评价方法,油气资源评价关键在于建立地质-经济动态评价模型。文中还介绍了西方石油公司的资源评价方法,在全球优选具规模效益的富集区,精细勘探,降低勘探风险,获取高回报。


      Abstract: The International Symposium on Chinese Petroleum Exploration in 21st Century held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on May 14-17, 2002 has drawn extensive attention from the petroleum communities both at home and abroad. The Symposium focused on China's oil and gas exploration prospects and targets in the new millennium as well as the other issues such as the relationship between the distribution of global oil and gas resources and world's populations and environments. The total amounts of oil and gas resources have increased steadily by a big margin in recent years in China. Future exploration will be directed to new petroleum provinces, new basins and new stratigraphic sequences and series. The scientific techniques for oil and gas assessment will be put forward, referenced to the foreign experiences, to apply to various regions including frontiers, immature and mature regions. The key of the resources assessments is to establish a new dynamic geo-economic evaluation system through data processing, specific studies and comprehensive evaluation of the reserves, risks and commercial values at a lower cost for promotion of the development of oil and gas industry in the world. To pick out the favourable prospects depends heavily on the establishment of geological concept and modeling, and the prediction of the modeling. The procedure involves tectonic basin analysis and simulation, hydrocarbon system studies, fair play evaluation, favourable horizon identification and prospect screening.


