

    The error analysis in GPS measurements

    • 摘要: GPS测量以其显著的定位特点,得到了空前的应用和发展。它取代了常规的大地测量和工程控制测量,现在已渗入到工程测量、地籍测量、交通管理、导航、地理信息系统、海洋、石油、气象和地球科学等许多研究领域。同时GPS还涉及数学、天文学、数字通讯、计算机科学、测绘学等多学科领域。GPS测量应用的广泛开展,使观测精度的影响因素和解决方法成为科学研究工作中的重点。由于GPS测量涉及多学科、多应用领域,给研究的方向、方法提出了更高的要求。本文介绍了影响GPS测量精度的因素和常用的解决方法。


      Abstract: The GPS measurements now have been widely applied to various fields including engineering measurements, traffic management, navigation, GIS, oceanology, petroleum industry, meteorology and earth sciences. The authors contend in the present paper that in order to improve the precision of positioning and satisfy the needs of users, it is important to explore the origins and controls of the errors, and conventional resolutions and techniques in GPS measurements.


