

    GIS applications to the digital mapping in the regional geological surveys: An example from the 1: 50000 Lizhuang Sheet

    • 摘要: 本文以1:5万里庄幅为例,阐述了运用GIS系统对区调过程中各种资料的处理与编辑方法,并介绍了数字制图方法及工艺流程,提出了GIS系统在1:5万区调工作中的应用前景。


      Abstract: Exemplified by the 1:50000 Lizhuang Sheet, the present paper deals, in detail, with the GIS applications to the digital mapping, compilation and processing of the data obtained from the regional geological surveys. With the help of a computer, GIS has provided a useful tool for interpreting various spatial information and modeling geological phenomena and their genetic processes.


