Neotectonism and geologic disasters in the Jinping mountain area, Sichuan
摘要: 文章通过对四川锦屏山地区区域地质概况、河流阶地、第四纪断层及老断层新活动、地震活动的研究,认为该地区自更新世以来,新构造运动较为强烈,由此造成的地质灾害主要有滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等。Abstract: The results of research on the regional geology, geomorphology, river terraces, Quaternary faults and active old faults and earthquakes have revealed that the evidences of severe neotectonism that occurred from the Pleistocene onwards have been observed in the Jinping mountain area, resulting in the generation of the geologic disasters such as landslide, collapse and debris flows and earthquakes.