

    The three-dimensional pressure prediction of the Xinchang Gas Field in western Sichuan

    • 摘要: 针对川西地区新场气田超高压气藏,利用三维采集的地震资料,在改善叠前CDP道集信噪比和速度谱质量的基础上,采用等时间隔层速度法,根据Fillippone的压力计算公式,直接预测地层压力,得到了全三维的压力和偏差压力数据体。压力预测结果表明,该方法具有较好的可信度。


      Abstract: A new technique is proposed in the present paper for the three-dimensional pressure prediction of the super-high pressure gas deposit of the Xinchang Gas Field in western Sichuan. The technique is employed by using the time-equivalent interval velocity and Fillippone's formula on the basis of the three-dimensional seismic data and improved S/N ratios of the pre-stack CDP gather and velocity spectrum, and then the three-dimen-sional pressure and deviation pressure data can be computed directly. As a result, this technique turned out to be feasible, and may provide an important base for the oil and gas exploration and development.


