Geology and oil-gas potential of the Govi basin group in Mongolia
摘要: 蒙古国蒙古弧中部的戈壁盆地群是世界上较早发现油田的陆相沉积区,与我国二连盆地具有相似的地质特征。笔者在前人研究成果的基础上,结合20世纪90年代以来的地震、钻井、测井等最新资料,对该区的构造特征及演化、地层与沉积发育规律进行了研究,对盆地群的含油性进行了探讨,指出盆地群中以东戈壁盆地油气远景较好。Abstract: The Govi basin group in central Mongolia arc, Mongolia is a continental depositional area where the continental oil fields were discovered earlier than other parts of the world. The basin group has the same geological features as the Erlian Basin in China. The present paper deals, coupled with seismic data and well logs, with the tectonic, stratigraphic and sedimentological aspects, and oil-gas potential of the Govi basin group, especially the (East Gobi) Dornogovi basin in Mongolia.