

    Volume strain and mass transport of tectonite: Implications for geology,with an example from the Gaoligongshan ductile shear zone

    • 摘要: 本文以特提斯构造系怒江断裂高黎贡山韧性剪切带糜棱岩为实例。测试分析表明,在韧性剪切带岩石变形变质前后,SiO2、TiO2、全Fe、H2O等显著贫化,CaO、MgO、Na2O、K2O等显著富集;韧性剪切带的发育使原来的片麻岩转变为糜棱岩,原岩质量和体积的变化分别为-29.48%和-26.86%。构造岩的体积应变和质量迁移分析是构造时限年代学和流体/岩石比值研究的中间环节,它还在估算挤压构造带缩短量以及求算碳酸盐岩脱排CO2资源量等方面具有广泛的应用前景。


      Abstract: The mylonite from the Gaoligongshan ductile shear zone within the Nujiang fault, western Yunnan is markedly depleted in SiO2, TiO2, total Fe and H2O, and enriched in CaO, MgO, Na2O and K2O. The development of the ductile shear zone has led to the alteration of the pre-existing gneiss into mylonite, with the mass and volume change of the original rocks of -29.48% and -26.86%, respectively. The analysis of volume strain and mass transport of tectonite is an intermediate link of the examination of structural chronology and fluid/rock ratios, and will be widely used in the estimation of shortening volumes of compressional structural zones and the resources.


