

    The Devonian bioherms in Sanchakou,northwestern Xizang and their implications

    • 摘要: 在羌塘西部的三岔口一带泥盆系拉竹龙组中发现规模较大的生物礁——台地前缘礁。下层礁体厚7.28m,上层礁体厚40.98m。两个礁体均为叠置礁,礁体由礁基、礁核、礁顶组成。剖面显示发育有礁前垮塌角砾、礁格架、礁间及礁后环境。泥盆纪生物礁的发现为羌塘盆地寻找油气资源提供了新思路。


      Abstract: Two layers of the larger-sized bioherms are identified in the Devonian Lazhuglung Formation in Sanchakou, northwestern Xizang. The bioherms occur as superimposed reefs have a thickness of 7.28 m for the lower bioherms, and 40.98 m for the upper ones, and consist of reef batholith, reef core and reef crest. The reef front talus, reef frame, interreef and backreef deposits are observed in the profile. The discovery of the Devonian bioherms may offer some new thoughts on possible future direction of the oil and gas exploration in the study area.


