Inhomogeneity of the Chang-2 pay sets of the Youfangzhuang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin
摘要: 油坊庄油田长2油层组发育水上分流河道、天然堤、决口扇、沼泽等沉积微相类型,储集砂体以水上分流河道砂体为主,天然堤等次之。顺着物源方向,砂体连通性较好,物性较好,非均质性弱;垂直于物源方向砂体连通性、物性较差,非均质性强。储层层内非均质性较强,储集砂体垂向韵律以正韵律为主,不利于水驱油。长2油层组单砂层数越多,层间非均质性越强。综合研究表明,储层非均质性受沉积环境控制。Abstract: The Chang-2 pay sets of the Youfangzhuang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin consist of the sedimentary microfacies such as distributary channel, natural levee, crevasse fan and marsh microfacies. Major reservoir sandstone bodies include distributary channel and natural levee sandstone bodies. Good connectivity and physical property and poor inhomogeneity are identified along the parallel direction of sediment supply, and vice versa along the vertical direction of sediment supply. The normal rhythmicity of the sandstone bodies along the vertical direction may be harmful to the formation of water-drived oil. The numbers of sandstone beds are positively correlated with the inhomogeneity of the Chang-2 pay sets of the Youfangzhuang Oil Field.