Doushantuo Formation in northwestern Fanjing Mountains, Guizhou
摘要: 通过对贵州梵净山西北新元古代白云岩帽的研究,发现其δ13CPDB值与全球其他地区冰川混积岩(Marinoan冰期)之上的碳酸盐岩帽中δ13CPDB值一样,发生了一次明显的负偏移,从-1.4‰变化到-8.52‰,平均值为-4.52‰;δ18OPDB值从-5.44‰变化到-11.34‰,平均值为-8.68‰。除了白云岩帽顶部的两个数据之外,δ13CPDB值和δ18OPDB值均大体表现为随剖面向上升高的趋势,而且两者显示了弱的正相关性。沉积构造和碳同位素值说明,该套白云岩帽的形成与海底永冻土的固态甲烷释放无关,应为南沱冰期后,气候急剧变暖,大量风化的陆源碱性物质因海平面快速的上升被携带到海洋中,与CO2发生反应,快速沉淀下来的结果,支持了“雪球地球假说”。Abstract: Similar to the δ13CPDB values for the cap carbonates overlying the Marinoan glacial diamictites in the other parts of the world, there is a markedly negative excursion of the δ13CPDB values for the Neoproterozoic cap dolostones in northwestern Fanjing Mountains, Guizhou. The δ13CPDB values range from -1.4‰ to -8.52‰, with an average value of -4.52‰, and the δ18OPDB values range from -5.44‰ to -11.34‰, with an average value of -8.68‰. Except two data for the cap dolostones at the top, the rest δ13CPDB and δ18OPDB values generally increase upsection, and have a slightly positive correlation. The examination of sedimentary structures and carbon isotope shows that the cap dolostones in the study area are not related with the release of solid methane from the submarine permafrost soil. Instead they should be the products originated from the rapid precipitation of the weathered terrigenous alkaline matter following the reaction with CO2 due to the warmer climates after the Nantuoan glacial stage. This explanation strongly supports the "snowball Earth" hypothesis.