

    The fluorine sources in the endemic fluorosis areas,western Guizhou

    • 摘要: 贵州省西部广泛分布上二叠统煤系地层,燃煤型氟中毒严重影响当地居民的身体健康。引起氟中毒的氟是多来源的,影响氟中毒的因素是多方面的。高氟含量的岩石粘土岩、煤、页岩等是氟的初始来源体;高氟含量土壤是氟第二个层次的来源;高氟含量土壤中种植的农作物是第三个层次的来源;燃煤烟尘直接排放室内空气中和用燃煤烘烤食物等,使空气、食物和水中氟含量增高,是一重要的人为氟来源。人通过呼吸高氟含量的空气和食(饮)用高氟含量的食物(水)将氟沉淀在体内,造成氟中毒。


      Abstract: The Upper Permian coal-bearing strata are widespread in western Guizhou.The residents’ health has long been seriously threatened by the coal-burning endemic fluorosis.The authors in the present paper contend that the fluorine which leads to the endemic fluorosis has polyphyletic origins,including: (1) high-fluorine rocks such as claystone,coal and shale; (2) high-fluorine soils originated from the weathering of the high-fluorine rocks including coal; (3) the crops planted in the high-fluorine soils,and (4) higher contents of fluorine in the indoor air polluted by the waste smoke from the burning coal, food toasted by the burning coal and water with higher contents of fluorine.


