

    Distribution of the geological hazards in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, Sichuan

    • 摘要: 岷江上游地区现有地质灾害284处,主要发育于低山、中山、高山区,其发育面密度分别为7.3个/100km2、2.3个/100km2和0.64个/100km2,分别占全区地质灾害总数的6.7%、70.7%和20.8%。通过对地质灾害点的统计分析研究,找出岷江上游流域地质灾害的主控因素及其发育分布规律,为流域经济可持续发展和减灾防灾规划提供科学依据。


      Abstract: The existing 284 sites of geological hazards are developed in the lower, intermediate and higher mountain areas in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, Sichuan, with a density of 7.3/100 km2, 2.3/100 km2 and 0.64/100 km2, respectively, and making respectively up 6.7%, 70.7% and 20.8% of the total numbers of the geological hazards throughout the study area. The stratal lithology and slope architectures are considered as important controlling factors, and earth quakes and precipitations as major triggers for the geological hazards in the study area. The statistical analysis of the geological hazards may provide the useful approach to the sustainable economic development and the planning of precaution and reduce of geological hazards along the Minjiang River.


