An application of GIS-based weights of evidence modeling to the forecast prospects of the copper polymetallic ore deposits in the northern part of the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang area, Qinghai
摘要: 在建立三江北段地质矿产空间数据库的基础上,运用GIS技术,分析提取矿产地质、地球物理、地球化学等综合信息中的成矿异常信息,运用多学科信息综合研究地质异常与成矿之间的相互关系,运用证据权重法建立该区的证据权重成矿预测模型,圈定出7个找矿远景区。Abstract: The present paper gives a detailed description of the application of GIS-based weights of evidence method to the evaluation of the copper polymetallic ore deposits in the northern part of the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang area, Qinghai. Seven forecast prospects have been delineated by using GIS techniques on the basis of the geological data including geophysics, geochemistry and mineral resources database, and then the GIS-based weights of evidence modeling has been constructed. The results of research will provide a scientific basis for the further exploration and development of the mineral resources in the study area.