Analog and hydrocarbon potential of the Qiangtang Basin and other petroleum basins in the Asian Tethys
摘要: 本文从羌塘盆地在特提斯域中的位置入手,对沉积充填、构造特征和地史演化加以论证,并与北带塔里木盆地进行具体对比。羌塘盆地与塔里木盆地沉积、构造、地史差异性十分明显,故其应划为中带,而不是北带。根据类比盆地选择原则,选取与羌塘盆地同属中带,沉积、构造,含油气性具可比性的伊朗卡维尔盆地、泰国呵叻盆地进行类比,发现羌塘盆地与两盆地沉积、构造、生储盖组合具相似性,唯油气保存条件较差。从亚洲特提斯域油气聚集地质特征分析,羌塘盆地油气远景毋庸质疑,只是因位于中带地质构造与改造十分复杂,油气远景虽好,但勘探难度相对较大。Abstract: The analog and assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of the Qiangtang Basin and other petroleum basins in the Asian Tethys are based on the sediment types, tectonic features and geological evolution.The correlation of the Qiangtang Basin and Carville Basin in Iran and Khorat Basin in Thailand has disclosed the similarity in sediment types, geological structures and source-reservoir-seal associations apart from poor preservation conditions of oil and gas. In fact, the Qiangtang Basin is highly prospective in oil and gas, but hardly exploratory because of complicated geological structures and later modifications in the central Asian Tethys.