

    Concealed oil pools and their exploration potential in the Chexi region, Jiyang depression, Shandong

    • 摘要: 车西地区因自身地质结构特点在勘探初期以来一直以隐蔽油气藏为主。其中,北部陡坡带二台阶滑脱潜山油气藏、中部洼陷带浊积岩性油气藏、南部缓坡断阶带低位扇岩性油气藏是该区最为典型的隐蔽油气藏。本文从形成机制、成藏主控因素等多方面阐述了上述隐蔽油气藏的发育特征。在此基础上,结合目前油气分布特征,进一步分析了不同区带隐蔽油气藏的勘探潜力。认为在不同区带、层系和油藏类型上有明显的不均衡性,勘探潜力较大。


      Abstract: The present study gives a detailed description of the concealed oil pools in the Chenxi region, Jiyang depression, with stress on the decollement buried hill oil pools on the second terrace of the northern steeped slope zone, turbiditic lithologic oil pools in the central depression, and lowstand fan lithologic oil pools on the fault terrace zone of the southern ramp. The examination of the mechanism and controlling factors of the oil pools cited above has revealed that the Chexi region is expected to be a potential area for oil and gas accumulation.


