Regularity of the oil and gas accumulation in the foreland basins in western China
摘要: 前陆盆地是世界上油气资源最丰富、大油气田最多的一类盆地。笔者通过分析发现中国中西部的前陆盆地有丰富的烃源岩,配套的生储盖组合,油气在纵横向上的发育都有其有序性:前陆盆地的沉积演化控制着盆地油气纵向上的有序性,构造单元控制着油气横向上的有序性。前陆冲断带构造活动强烈,主要形成背斜油气藏,中浅层都含气,适宜采用立体勘探思路。前渊凹陷带主要发育有岩性油气藏,前缘隆起由于地层向克拉通方向尖灭,常形成岩性油气藏。Abstract: It is widely perceived that the foreland basins tend to be rich in oil and gas resources throughout the world.The foreland basins in western China also have an abundance of source rocks and advantaged reservoir rocks,and excellent source-reservoir-seal associations.The present paper focuses on the regularity of the horizontal and longitudinal accumulation of oil and gas in the foreland basins in western China.The longitudinal accumulation of oil and gas tend to be controlled by sedimentary evolution,while the horizontal accumulation of oil and gas by tectonic units.The lithologic oil and gas reservoirs are developed in the foreland thrust fault zones due to highly structural activity.The lithologic oil and gas reservoirs are devoloped in the foredeep depression zones and forebulge zones due to the cratonward pinching of strata.