Holocene sedimentary environments in Central Pacific Ocean
摘要: 笔者利用在中太平洋(CP)区采取的CP9和CP25钻孔柱状样及19个站位的表层沉积物样品,通过对沉积物的成分、类型、古生物化石、常微量元素含量等鉴定测试,从地球化学特征对该区全新世以来沉积物中元素在垂向变化特点及相互之间的亲疏关系进行了详细分析和研究。通过R型因子分析与物源的研究,认为该区沉积物主要受陆源碎屑及生物碎屑沉积的影响较大,晚期火山物质供应比早期要充足,全新世的沉积环境趋于比较稳定。Abstract: The vertical distribution of the major and trace elements from the Holocene deposits are elucidated on the basis of mineralogy,organic fossils,geochemistry and provenance analysis of the core samples from the CP9 and CP25 wells and surficial sediments samples from 19 well sites in Central Pacific Ocean.The R-mode factor analysis and provenance analysis have disclosed that the deposits in the study area consist significantly of terrigenous clastic and bioclastic deposits.The supply of volcanic deposits is more sufficient in the later stages than in the early stages.On the whole,the Holocene sedimentary environments are relatively stable.