Preliminary study of debris flows and their influence on the Heigou gully,Lengqi,Luding,Sichuan
摘要: 泸定冷碛镇黑沟流域内发育土层滑坡及土体蠕动变形体20处,为黑沟泥石流的主要松散物源;土层滑坡和土体蠕动变形体规模小,滑速慢,滑体结构松散,滑入溪沟易被洪流卷走,不会形成滑坡堰塞湖和溃决型泥石流。近60年来黑沟发生的最大一次泥石流,经计算泥石流流速为3.47m/s,峰值流量为122.79 m3/s,为大型泥石流,对沟谷两侧财产造成了巨大危害。Abstract: Twenty sites of soil landslides and soil creeping and deformational masses as the main sources of loose deposits are developed in the Heigou gully,Lengqi,Luding,Sichuan.In general,these soil landslides and soil creeping and deformational masses have smaller scales,slower velocity and loose structures,and therefore they are prone to be sweeped away by floods in the gully rather than result in the formation of barrier lakes and extraordinarily serious debris flows calamities.The present paper gives careful calculations of the maximum debris flows in the Heigou gully in July 2006,the extraordinarily serious debris flow calamities in the last sixty years,with a calculated flow velocity of 3.47 m/s and maximum rate of discharge of 122.79 m3/s.