

    Sequence stratigraphy and evolutionary models for the Changxing Formation in the Tongjiang-Nanjiang-Bazhong zone, Sichuan

    • 摘要: 本文以Vail的经典层序地层学和Cross的高分辨率层序地层学理论方法为指导,通过对层序界面、相序、叠置结构、测井曲线等标志的综合识别分析,将研究区长兴组划分为两个三级层序。在长兴组三级层序格架剖面建立的基础上,建立了长兴组层序地层演化模式,并从层序演化的角度探讨了长兴组沉积时期礁滩体的发育分布规律。


      Abstract: Two third-order sequences have been distinguished for the Changxing Formation in the TongjiangNanjiang-Bazhong zone, Sichuan according to the theories of the classical sequence stratigraphy by Vail and highresolution sequence stratigraphy by Cross, in integration with field outcrops, cores and well logs. The sequence stratigraphic models are presented herein on the basis of sequence stratigraphic framework of the Changxing Formation, and the development and distribution of the Changxingian shoals are explored in the light of sequence evolution. The results of research may be significant for further hydrocarbon exploration in the study area.


