

    Sedimentary facies in the Triassic Karamay Formation, Beisantai, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang

    • 摘要: 根据岩心观察,结合地震、测井资料,将准噶尔盆地北三台地区三叠系克拉玛依组作为一个三级层序进行研究,并划分了体系域。在等时格架内,以体系域为单位进行了沉积相研究,定量编制克拉玛依组沉积体系平面分布图。查明有利砂体的展布位置,为准噶尔盆地北三台地区进一步油气勘探提供依据。


      Abstract: The Triassic Karamay Formation in the Beisantai region, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang is divided, on the basis of seismic data and well logs, into two systems tracts. The emphasis in this study is placed upon the sedimentary facies in individual systems tracts and planar distribution of the sedimentary systems in the Karamay Formation. The construction of sedimentary facies maps may facilitate to the delineation of the favourable sandstone distribution, and thus to the further exploration of oil and gas in the Beisantai region, Junggar Basin.


