The 3D stereotopographic-geological maps: Charting imaging and application
摘要: 应用红青滤色三维立体图对制作立体地形图是一个十分重要而简单的方法。文中简述了红青滤色立体图的原理,应用SRTM-DEM数据制作红青滤色三维立体地形图,结合地质图获得红青滤色三维立体地形地质图。立体地形地质图是地质填图成果的直观形象,是活动构造地貌研究的重要工具。Abstract: The present paper gives an introduction of the 3D anaglyphic imaging as a simple but important technique in the stereotopographic mapping,with the stress on the principle and method of the anaglyphic imaging with the aid of the data for the Shuttle radar topography mission-digital elevation model (SRTM-DEM). The 3D stereotopographic-geological maps are based on the combination of the above-mentioned stereotopographic mapping and geological mapping with the ARCGIS software. The technique may be applied to the large-scale geological mapping and the study of active geological structures in the future.