The Upper Cretaceous strata on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau are divided into 3 stratigraphic megaprovinces, 12 stratigraphic provinces and 12 stratigraphic subprovinces. The stratigraphic megaprovinces include the Qilian-Qaidam-Bayan Har-Qiangtang stratigraphic megaprovince in the northern part of the Plateau which consists dominantly of the continental stratigraphic systems in the fluviolacustrine facies, the Bangong LakeShuanghu-Nujiang stratigraphic megaprovince in the central part of the Plateau which is mostly built up of the continental molasse sedimentary strata, and the Gangdise-Himilayan stratigraphic megaprovince in the southern part of the Plateau which is mainly made up of the marine and marine-conitnental transitional strata.