

    Geology and controls of the Wujiawan bauxite deposit in Nanchuan, Chongqing

    • 摘要: 重庆吴家湾铝土矿产于中二叠统梁山组(P2l)之下,呈假整合覆于中志留统韩家店组粉砂质页岩或中石炭统黄龙组灰岩之上。矿体产状与地层产状基本致,铝土矿呈土状、豆(鲕状)、致密块状、砾屑状。一水硬铝石为主要矿石矿物。控制铝土矿形成的主要因素为古环境、地形地貌、构造位置和地层。


      Abstract: The ore-bearing rock series of the Wujiawan bauxite deposit in Nanchuan, Chongqing are overlain by the Middle Permian Liangshan Formation (P2l), and disconformably upon the silty shales of the Middle Silurian Hanjiadian Formation or the limestones of the Middle Carboniferous Huanglong Formation. This bauxite deposit is characterized by high SiO2, high S, high Fe and low grades of bauxite ores. The bauxite orebodies are in general agreement in occurrence modes with the associated strata, and the ores occur as the earthy, pisolitic (oolitic), densely massive and gravelly forms. The ore-controlling factors of the bauxite deposit include palaeoenvironmental, palaeogeomorphological, structural and stratigraphic factors. The results of research in this study may be helpful for the exploitation and utilization of the bauxite deposits in Wujiawan and throughout southern Chongqing.


