

    The geology and exploration potential of the Liwu-type copper-rich deposits in western Sichuan

    • 摘要: 川西江浪穹隆以发育里伍式富铜矿床而著称。本文在系统总结前人资料的基础之上,详细论述了富铜矿床的基本地质特征。江浪穹隆具有优越的成矿地质条件:里伍岩群为富铜矿床的形成提供充足的成矿物质,韧性剪切带及重力滑脱作用引起的脆、韧性变形为成矿过程提供有利的构造条件,燕山期花岗岩可能为成矿提供热动力来源和部分成矿流体。结合以往的物探、化探信息,提出江浪穹隆北部柏香林-挖金沟-中咀-笋叶林及南部黑牛洞-里伍一带的深部及边部找矿前景良好。


      Abstract: The Jianglang dome located in western Sichuan is famous for the occurrence of the Liwu-type copper-rich deposits. Referenced to the previous data, the present paper focuses on the geological characteristics and exploration potential of the Liwu-type copper-rich deposits. The Liwu Group Complex within the Jianglang dome is interpreted to be the sources of the ore-forming matter enough for the formation of the copper-rich deposits. The brittle and ductile deformations caused by ductile shear zones and gravity slipping may be considered to be favourable structural conditions for the mineralization of the copper-rich deposits. The Yanshanian granites may contribute to the thermodynamic sources and partial ore-forming fluids for the mineralization of the copper-rich deposits. The potential exploration areas are delineated in the Boxianglin-Wajingou-Zhongzui-Sunyelin zone in the north and the Heiliudong-Liwu zone in the south of the Jianglang dome.


