

    Metallogenic conditions and prospecting potential of orogenic gold deposits in the central western part of Bangong Lake-Nujiang metallogenic zone

    • 摘要: 本文在阐述班公湖-怒江成矿带中西段成矿地质背景的基础上,重点论述了达查、商旭等造山型金矿床成矿地质条件和控矿因素,综合分析认为木嘎岗日群混杂岩,区域构造转折部位和碰撞初期岩浆岩的复合地带最有利于形成规模较大的造山型金矿床。并以此为依据,划分出尼玛县北-商旭、洞错北-达查、改则县物玛乡北、夏布错北,以及热那错北等5处造山型金矿床成矿远景区。


      Abstract: In the light of the metallogenic geological conditions and exploration potential, the present paper focuses on geological conditions, ore-controlling factors, isotopic signatures and mineralization age of the Dacha and Shangxu orogenic-type gold deposits in the central-western part of the Bangong-Nujiang metallogenic zone, Xizang. The potential areas favourable for the formation of large-sized orogenic-type gold deposits are restricted to the mélanges of the Muggar Kangri Group, hinge points and magmatic composite zones formed during the early collisional stages. Finally, five exploration prospects are delineated, including northern Nyima-Shangxu, northern Dongco-Dacha, northern Oma in Gerze, northern Xiabuco and northern Renaco in the Bangong-Nujiang metallogenic zone, Xizang.


