

    Mineralization and potential of the copper deposits in the Heinishao Formation in the eastern part of Lijiang,northwestern Yunnan

    • 摘要: 丽江东部地区广泛分布的黑泥哨组(P3h)是区域上一个重要的含铜层位,在该地区大公山、铜厂河、宝坪等地均发现有工业铜矿床。该地层中发现的铜矿床具有两种类型:产于火山沉积夹层中的火山沉积-热液型铜矿及产于构造破碎带中的构造热液型铜矿。主要控矿因素为二叠纪晚期古地理环境、火山活动、成矿前构造及喜山期岩浆活动。本文通过分析这些控矿因素之间的关系,总结该区域内黑泥哨组铜矿化规律,为今后的找矿工作提出一些建议。


      Abstract: The Heinishao Formation (P3h)widely distributed in the eastern part of Lijiang,northwestern Yunnan consists mostly of the volcanic-sedimentary strata formed during the late stages of the eruption of the Permian Emeishan basalts,and occurs as the important copper-bearing strata in this region,where the commercial copper deposits are hosted in Dagongshan and Tongchanghe,Ninglang and Baoping,Yongsheng and other places. Two types of copper deposits are recognized in the strata of the Heinishao Formation:volcanic-sedimentary and hydrothermal-type copper deposits in the interbedded volcanic and sedimentary strata, and tectonically hydrothermal-type copper deposits in the structurally fractured zones. The copper mineralization in the Heinishao Formation has gone through the multiple phases of mineralization,and is primarily controlled by the Late Permian sedimentary facies and palaeogeographic environments,volcanism,pre-mineralization structures and Himalayan magmatism. The emphasis of the future exploration of copper deposits should be placed on the study of stratigraphic sequences,volcanic apparatus,Himalayan tectonics and magmatism.


