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    The Upper Permian Sedimentary Facies in Sichuan Basin and Their Tectonic Controls
    Feng Chunjiang, Zhang Jiqing, Guan Juming
    1988, 8(2): 1-14.
    Abstract PDF
    The Analysis of Sedimentary Facies in the Ore-Bearing Succession of the Fankou Lead-Zinc Ore District,Guangdong Province
    Chen Yaoqin
    1988, 8(2): 16-22.
    Abstract PDF
    A New Explanation for the Origin of Cambrian Phosphorites from Eastern Yunnan
    Mou Chuanlong
    1988, 8(2): 23-31.
    Abstract PDF
    Types and Facies Models of Platform Margins and Slopes
    Zhang Jinquan
    1988, 8(2): 32-41.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary Records of Synsedimentary Tectonic Activity in Sedimentary Basins
    Wen Qiongying, Zhang Chuanbo, Yin Jinyin
    1988, 8(2): 42-50.
    Abstract PDF