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    Contourites and Their Sedimentary Model in the Lower Triassic Daye Formation,in Southern Hunan Province
    Wu Jianbai
    1988, 8(5): 1-8.
    Abstract PDF
    An Approach to the Controls of strata,Sedimentary Facies and Location on the Beishan Silver,Zinc,Cadmium and pyrite Deposit in Guangxi
    Shi Huanqi, Wang Xiangcheng
    1988, 8(5): 9-15.
    Abstract PDF
    The Discovery of Late Devonian Renalcis and Renalcis Mounds in Guangxi and Their Environmental Significance
    Zhou Huailing, Gao Jian
    1988, 8(5): 16-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Ordovician Sedimentary Facies in the Xishan Area.Linfen.Shanxi Province
    Chen Jizhou
    1988, 8(5): 23-36.
    Abstract PDF
    The Relationship between Permian Sedimentary Facies and Oil and Gas Enrichment in Sichuan Basin
    Liu Dacheng, Li Shushun
    1988, 8(5): 37-46.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological Features and the Distribution of Sepiolite Deposits in Sichuan Province
    Zhou Zilong, Gu Hongxin
    1988, 8(5): 47-50.
    Abstract PDF