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    The Silurian type Ⅲ kerogen from the northern and southern margins of the Sichuan Basin and its geological significance
    Zhang Tingshan, Chen Xiaohui, Lan Guangzhi, Bian Lizeng, Yu Jianhua
    1998, 18(2): 1-7.
    Abstract PDF
    Chemostratigraphic division in regional geological survey
    Shi He, Wang Yulan
    1998, 18(2): 8-15.
    Abstract PDF
    Reef-building model for the Permian organic reefs in South China
    Fan Jiasong, Wen Chuanfen, Lu Tingqing, Wen Yingchu, Qiang Zitong
    1998, 18(2): 16-19.
    Abstract PDF
    The bivalve faunas from the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin
    Gou Zonghai
    1998, 18(2): 20-31.
    Abstract PDF
    The dinosaur egg fossils in China and their ecostratigraphy
    Zhang Yuguang, Li Kui
    1998, 18(2): 32-38.
    Abstract PDF
    On the classification of Sauropoda
    Li Kui
    1998, 18(2): 39-47.
    Abstract PDF
    The controls of the collisional orogenesis in the Qinling Mountains on the Carboniferous-Permian transgressional processes in North China
    Chen Shiyue
    1998, 18(2): 48-54.
    Abstract PDF
    The anastomosed fluvial depositional systems in the Permian coal measures of the Yongcheng coalfield, Henan
    Chen Chuanshi
    1998, 18(2): 55-62.
    Abstract PDF