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    Base-level changes and nonmarine sequence stratigraphy:an example from the Tarim Basin,Xinjiang
    Wang Longzhang, Liu Haixing
    1998, 18(3): 1-6.
    Abstract PDF
    Geodynamic mechanisms for the formation of sedimentary basins and their classification
    Wang Dongpo, Liu Li, Xue Linfu, Yang Guang, Xu Min, Wang Jun, Wang Deqin
    1998, 18(3): 7-13.
    Abstract PDF
    Structural and sedimentary features and their bearings on oil and gas accumulation in the Yong’anzhen oil field,Shandong
    Chen Qinghua, Wang Shaolan
    1998, 18(3): 14-20.
    Abstract PDF
    The depositional systems and coal accumulation in the Carboniferous Yangshan Formation at the northern foot of the Dabie Mountains
    Zhang Huiliang, Li Baofang, Ma Wenpu, Song Mianxin
    1998, 18(3): 21-27.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary chaotic melanges and their tectonic significance:Upper Cretaceous Zongzhuo Formation,Gyangze,Xizang
    Lin Xinwang
    1998, 18(3): 28-33.
    Abstract PDF
    The Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Bailu district,Pengzhou,Sichuan
    Gou Zonghai
    1998, 18(3): 34-40.
    Abstract PDF
    Strontium,carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions and their geological significance:the Silurian strata on the northern and southern margins of the Sichuan Basin
    Zhang Tingshan, Yu Jianhua, Bian Lizeng, S. Kershaw, Chen Xiaohui, Lan Guangzhi, Wan Yun
    1998, 18(3): 41-49.
    Abstract PDF
    The fracture density model for pelite reservoirs based on the regression analysis of variable parameters
    Lai Shenghua, Liu Wenbi, Li Defa, Zhou Wen, Peng Jun
    1998, 18(3): 50-54.
    Abstract PDF