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    The nature of the Chuxiong Basin and evolution of sedimentary sequences
    XU Xiao-song, YIN Fu-guang, WAN Fang, TAN Fu-wen
    1999, 19(5): 1-11.
    Abstract PDF
    A preliminary study of the cyclic sequences of composite sea-level changes in the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation in Jixian,Tianjin
    MEI Ming-xiang, DU Ben-ming, ZHOU Hong-rui, LUO Zhi-qing
    1999, 19(5): 12-22.
    Abstract PDF
    The evolution and mineralization in the Xiangcheng inter-arc basin,western Sichuan during the Late Triassic
    CHEN Ming, LUO Jian-ning
    1999, 19(5): 23-33.
    Abstract PDF
    Applications of the identification techniques of base levels to palaeogeographic research:an example from the Mesozoic strata in the Qaidam Basin,Qinghai
    CHE Shu-li, GUAN Shou-rui
    1999, 19(5): 34-39.
    Abstract PDF
    The depositional systems and palaeogeography of the Lower Jurassic Fuxian Formation in the Ordos Basin
    ZHAO Jun-xing, CHEN Hong-de, ZHANG Jin-quan
    1999, 19(5): 40-46.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigrapgy and its bearings on the gas accumulation in the Lower Ordovician Majiagou Formation,Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Basin
    ZHU Chuang-ye
    1999, 19(5): 47-52.
    Abstract PDF
    Palaeoecology and fossil preservation of the early metazoan biotas during the Doushantuoan(Late Sinian)
    YANG Rui-dong
    1999, 19(5): 53-59.
    Abstract PDF
    Discussions on the Ordovician lithostratigraphic units in Xainza,Xizang
    SHI He, WANG Hong-feng
    1999, 19(5): 60-64.
    Abstract PDF