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    Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic variations of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its adjacent areas
    ZHU Di-cheng, PAN Gui-tang, MO Xuan-xue, DUAN Li-ping, LIAO Zhong-li, WANG Li-quan
    2003, 23(3): 1-11.
    Abstract PDF
    The distribution and tectonic significance of peraluminous granites in southern Xizang
    LIAO Zhong-li, MO Xuan-xue, PAN Gui-tang, ZHU Di-cheng, WANG Li-quan, JIANG Xin-sheng, ZHAO Zhi-dan
    2003, 23(3): 12-20.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphy of the Cretaceous strata in the Tethyan Himalayas
    LI Guo-biao, WAN Xiao-qiao, YU Chao
    2003, 23(3): 21-34.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic evolution of the Meso-Tethyan Ocean: An example from the Nyima region in Xizang
    LU Shu-wei, REN Jian-de, DU Feng-jun, LIU Pin-de
    2003, 23(3): 35-39.
    Abstract PDF
    Discussions on the Jurassic strata in the Coqen region, Xizang
    ZHAO Peng-xiao, SHI He
    2003, 23(3): 40-43.
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery and significance of the Lower Ordovician Lhasai Formation in the Xainza region, northern Xizang
    ZHANG Shu-qi, QU Yong-gui, ZHENG Chun-zi
    2003, 23(3): 44-48.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics and ore contents in the cryptoexplosive breccias from eastern Xizang
    LIN Shi-liang, YONG Yong-yuan, GAO Da-fa
    2003, 23(3): 49-53.
    Abstract PDF
    The Late Palaeozoic stratigraphic sequences and basin evolution in the Bomi region, Xizang
    LOU Xiong-ying, FU Heng, LI Hong-de
    2003, 23(3): 54-59.
    Abstract PDF
    The Late Permian organic reefal oil pool section in Panlongdong, Xuanhan, Sichuan
    MOU Chuan-long, TAN Qin-yin, YU Qian, WANG Li-quan
    2003, 23(3): 60-64.
    Abstract PDF
    Cambrian sequence stratigraphy of the middle Yangtze area
    ZHOU Yan, CHEN Hong-de, WANG Cheng-shan, JIN Zhi-jun, TANG Liang-jie, WANG Zheng-yuan, LIANG Xi-wen
    2003, 23(3): 65-72.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphy of the Late Triassic strata in the Guangyuan region, Sichuan
    ZOU Guang-fu, XIA Tong, LOU Xiong-ying
    2003, 23(3): 73-80.
    Abstract PDF
    The development of the Kuruktag-Manjiar aulacogen in northeastern Tarim plate based on representative lithofacies sequence analysis
    ZHANG Tong-gang, CHU Xue-lei, GUO Jian-ping, XIANG Zan
    2003, 23(3): 81-86.
    Abstract PDF
    Stratigraphic base-level cycles and physical properties of the reservoir sandstones in the Chang 4+5 and Chang-6 oil formations of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Pingbei Oil Field, Shaanxi
    ZHANG Shang-feng, ZHANG Chang-min, CHEN Xin-min, YAO Feng-ying
    2003, 23(3): 87-92.
    Abstract PDF
    The genetic mechanisms of the gold deposits in low-temperature mineralization area in southwestern Guizhou
    LIU Xian-fan, WU De-chao, LIU Yuan-hui, LUO Xiao-huan, TAO Ping, YANG Zheng-xi, WANG Xue-hua
    2003, 23(3): 93-101.
    Abstract PDF
    Geology and oil-gas potential of the Govi basin group in Mongolia
    ZHAO Yu-hua, LI Xiao-qing, CHENG You-yi
    2003, 23(3): 102-105.
    Abstract PDF
    Applications of inclusion information to the distal gas pools in western Sichuan
    LU Zheng-xiang
    2003, 23(3): 106-109.
    Abstract PDF
    Applications of the borehole geochemical prospecting to the recognition of source rocks
    WANG Guo-jian, TANG Jun-hong, XIA Xiang-hua
    2003, 23(3): 110-112.
    Abstract PDF