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    The palaeoweathering crust-type karst reservoir rocks in carbonate rocks
    XU Xiao-song, DU Bai-wei
    2005, 25(3): 1-7.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies and palaeogeography of the Lhozhag region in southern Xizang during the Jurassic and Cretaceous
    XIA Jun, ZHONG Hua-ming, TONG Jing-song, LU Ru-kui
    2005, 25(3): 8-17.
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution and sedimentary model of the Late Triassic strata in northern Qiangtang on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
    ZHU Tong-xing, DONG Han, LI Cai, FENG Xin-tao, LI Zong-liang, YU Yuan-shan, JIN Can-hai, ZHOU Bang-guo
    2005, 25(3): 18-23.
    Abstract PDF
    The seismic reflection boundary T72 and the Upper Ordovician carbonate karst reservoirs on the Tazhong uplift, Xinjiang
    LOU Xiong-ying
    2005, 25(3): 24-32.
    Abstract PDF
    The Permian sequence stratigraphic framework and source-reservoir-caprock associations in the Simao Basin,Yunnan
    MOU Chuan-long, TAN Qin-yin, YU Qian
    2005, 25(3): 33-37.
    Abstract PDF
    The Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the northeastern Sichuan foreland basin: Sequence-based sedimentary facies and palaeogeography
    GAO Hong-can, ZHENG Rong-cai, KE Guang-ming, WEN Hua-guo
    2005, 25(3): 38-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies and palaeogeography of the third member of the Shahejie Formation in the Lengjia Oil Field,Liaohe Basin,Liaoning
    LAI Sheng-hua, MA Jian-ming
    2005, 25(3): 46-51.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic features of the orogenic-type basins and oil and gas accumulation in northwestern China
    ZHANG Jian-wei, YANG Zhan-long
    2005, 25(3): 52-56.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary features of the submarine fans in the Lower Cretaceous Arxan Formation,Abei depression,Nei Mongol
    LIU Zhong-bao, LIU Xiao, MIAO Feng, HUANG Xing-wen
    2005, 25(3): 57-61.
    Abstract PDF
    The delta deposits from the Zhuhai Formation in the Zhu-1 depression of the Zhujiangkou Basin
    WANG Zhen-qi, ZHANG Shang-feng, DAN Wei-dong, CHENG Tao
    2005, 25(3): 62-67.
    Abstract PDF
    The clastic reservoir rocks from the Kalashayi Formation on the Akkol uplift of the Tarim Basin,Xinjiang
    LIU Chen-sheng, GUO Jian-hua
    2005, 25(3): 68-73.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary environments and uranium enrichment in the Yaojia Formation, Qianjiadian depression,Kailu Basin,Nei Mongol
    CHEN Fang-hong, ZHANG Ming-yu, LIN Chang-song
    2005, 25(3): 74-79.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies in the second and third members of the Shahejie Formation in the Chezhen depression,Shengli Oil Field
    WANG Jiao, CHEN Shi-yue, JIANG Zai-xing, JIANG Ben-yong, DU Lin-xiang
    2005, 25(3): 80-86.
    Abstract PDF
    The application of the dominant sedimentary facies analysis to the Cangfanggou Group in the Baijiahai-Wucaiwan region,eastern Junggar Basin
    WANG De-yu, ZHENG Qing-lin, FENG Xing-qiang, GUAN Shou-rui
    2005, 25(3): 87-93.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and tectonic setting of the Munabulak ophiolites in Xinjiang
    DENG Rui-lin, MA Tie-qiu, BAI Dao-yuan
    2005, 25(3): 94-100.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequences,geochemistry and genesis of the Bangong Lake ophiolites in Xizang
    CAO Sheng-hua, LIAO Liu-gen, DENG Shi-quan, XIAO Ye-bin, XU Ping
    2005, 25(3): 101-110.
    Abstract PDF