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    Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies in the Carboniferous Kalashayi Formation in the Tahe Oil Field, Tarim Basin, Xinjiang
    XU Wei, WANG Ming, TIAN Peng, SU Juan, KANG Ren-dong
    2011, 31(4): 1-10.
    Abstract PDF
    High-resolution sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies: A case study of the block M in the Niger delta, Nigeria
    WANG Ying, LU Ming, WANG Xiao-zhou, XIE Xiao-jun
    2011, 31(4): 11-19.
    Abstract PDF
    Types and genesis of the alluvial fans in the lower submember of the fourth member of the Shahejie Formation in the Huimin depression, Shandong
    ZHANG Xin, ZHANG Jin-liang
    2011, 31(4): 20-27.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary environments of the Middle Ordovician Pingliang Formation in the Qishan section, southern Ordos Basin
    ZHOU Shu-chang, FENG Qiao, ZHAO Wei, WANG Qian-yao, LIU Zhen, JIANG Wen-juan, LI Ying-li
    2011, 31(4): 28-33.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary environments of the Lower Cambrian source rocks in central Hunan
    LIANG Wei, MOU Chuan-long, ZHOU Ken-ken, GE Xiang-ying
    2011, 31(4): 34-39.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies and palaeogeography during the middle and late Darriwilian to the early Katian (Ordovician) and hydrocarbon exploration in central and southern Hunan
    GE Xiang-ying, MOU Chuan-long, ZHOU Ken-ken, LIANG Wei
    2011, 31(4): 40-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Torsion structures and their bearings on the hydrocarbon accumulation in southern Huanghua depression, Hebei
    QU Fang, LIAN Cheng-bo, CHEN Qing-hua, QU Dong-fang
    2011, 31(4): 46-50.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantitative characterization of laterally accretionary beds within the point bars in West II district of the Sabei Oil Field, Daqing placanticline
    ZHOU Yin-bang, WU Sheng-he, YUE Da-li, ZHONG Xin-xin
    2011, 31(4): 51-57.
    Abstract PDF
    An application of the wavelet transformation to sequence stratigraphy: A case study of the Huangliu Formation in the Yinggehai Basin, northern South China Sea
    WANG Ya-hui, ZHAO Peng-xiao, ZUO Qian-mei, ZHONG Ze-hong, LI Jun-liang
    2011, 31(4): 58-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Architectural element analysis of the braided delta reservoir sandstones from the Triassic Lower Oil Measures in the Tahe Oil Field, Xinjiang
    JIA Kai-fu, DAI Jun-sheng, LIU Hai-lei, WANG Ke
    2011, 31(4): 64-69.
    Abstract PDF
    Age dating, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Arenshaobu gabbro masses in the Wurinitu region, northern Inner Mongolia
    HE Hong-yun, JU Wen-xin, Baoyinwuliji
    2011, 31(4): 70-78.
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery and significance of the seismites in the Neogene Xiaolongtan Formation in Maguan, Yunnan
    HUANG Yong, HAO Jia-yu, DENG Gui-biao, BAI Long, ZHANG Guo-xiang
    2011, 31(4): 79-85.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and geochronology of the Caima granites in the western part of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang metallogenic zone, Xizang
    ZHANG Zhang, GENG Quan-ru, PENG Zhi-min, CONG-Feng, GUAN Jun-lei
    2011, 31(4): 86-96.
    Abstract PDF
    SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages and their geological implications for the metamorphic rocks in the Qiangtang Basin
    PENG Zhi-min, GENG Quan-ru, ZHANG Zhang, JIA Bao-jiang, DIAO Zhi-zhong
    2011, 31(4): 97-103.
    Abstract PDF
    REE and trace elements U and Th from the manganese-bearing rock series in the Middle Triassic Falang Formation in southeastern Yunnan
    YANG Wei, YI Hai-sheng, DU Qiu-ding, XIA Guo-qing, DA Xue-juan
    2011, 31(4): 104-110.
    Abstract PDF