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    The Sunjiahe Formation of the Xixiang Group, southern Qinling Ranges: SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age and its tectonic implications
    CUI Jian-tang, WANG Feng, DUAN Jian-guo, ZHAO Shan-lan, CUI Hai-tao, CUI Hai-man
    2013, 33(4): 1-5.
    Abstract PDF
    The storm deposits from the Middle Triassic Beiya Formation in the Beiya region, western Yunnan and their palaeogeographic implications
    DONG Li-yang, WANG Jian, YIN Fu-guang, WANG Peng, ZHOU Ye-xin
    2013, 33(4): 6-15.
    Abstract PDF
    The alluvial fan-delta depositional systems in the Lower Triassic Qingtianbao Formation, Junmachang, Eryuan, western Yunnan
    ZHOU Ye-xin, WANG Jian, ZOU Guang-fu, WANG Peng, REN Fei, DONG Li-yang, LI Jun, NING Kuo-bu
    2013, 33(4): 16-21.
    Abstract PDF
    Depositional characteristics of the subaqueous gravity flow deposits from the Cretaceous Taoqihe Formation in the Sunwu-Jiayin Basin, Heilongjiang
    LI Jian, ZHANG Xia, LIU Zhao-jun
    2013, 33(4): 22-32.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic-sedimentary evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation during the Funingian on the western slope of the Jinhu depression, northern Jiangsu
    SHANG Lin, DAI Jun-sheng, WANG Xia-tian, WANG Tong-da, ZHANG Hong-guo
    2013, 33(4): 33-39.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics of the Da'anzhai member of the Lower Jurassic Ziliujing Formation in the Beibei district, Chongqing
    ZHU Song-bai, WEN Tao, XU Bang-yan, JIN Xin
    2013, 33(4): 40-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Sediemntary facies and reservoir characteristics in the Permian Maokou Formation in the Ganzhai section, Pingtang, southern Guizhou
    LI Gang, TANG Zhao-you, CHENG Xu
    2013, 33(4): 46-53.
    Abstract PDF
    Controlling factors of the secondary porosity of the hydrocarbon reservoirs from the 8th member of the Permian Shihezi Formation in eastern Sulige Gas Field, Ordos Basin
    SHI Xin, OUYANG Cheng, FENG Ming-you, ZHU Meng, HUANG Wen-ming, XIE Lin
    2013, 33(4): 54-59.
    Abstract PDF
    Reservoir characteristics and prediction of favourable blocks in the third member of the Lower Shihezi Formation in the Tabamiao region, northern Ordos Basin
    YANG Wei, TIAN Jing-chun, ZHANG Xiang, WANG Wen-zhi
    2013, 33(4): 60-67.
    Abstract PDF
    The study of the Palaeogene-Neogene hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Sikeshu depression, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang
    YANG Fan
    2013, 33(4): 68-73.
    Abstract PDF
    The 3D seismic excitation techniques for the loess tableland areas in southern Ordos Basin
    ZHU Dan, LI Bang
    2013, 33(4): 74-79.
    Abstract PDF
    An approach to the uranium reservoir space types in the sandstone-type uranium deposits in northern China
    CHEN Lu-lu, NIE Feng-jun, YAN Zhao-bin, YIN Dong-fa, YANG Bing-bin, LI Xiao-dong, LI Jian-qi, LIU Jie
    2013, 33(4): 80-85.
    Abstract PDF
    The reservoir spaces and influencing factors of the volcanic reservoirs
    TIAN Bo, WANG Wei-feng, ZOU Juan
    2013, 33(4): 86-94.
    Abstract PDF
    Geology and controls of the Wujiawan bauxite deposit in Nanchuan, Chongqing
    LING Xiao-ming, ZHAO Xiao-dong, LI Jun-min, CHEN Li, LU Tao
    2013, 33(4): 95-99.
    Abstract PDF
    The study of the collapse loess along the Heicheng-Haiyuan Expressway in Ningxia
    LIU Shu-lin
    2013, 33(4): 100-105.
    Abstract PDF
    Meteorite-impact astronomical events and global climatic changes during the Cenezoic
    FU Heng, GAO Yan-fei, XIAO Chong-yang
    2013, 33(4): 106-110.
    Abstract PDF