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    Sedimentary facies and genetic mechanisms of the dolostones in the world-wide end-Permian strata
    ZHAO Rui, WU Ya-sheng, TAN Jun-ying, JIANG Hong-xia, LIU Li-jing
    2014, 34(3): 1-11.
    Abstract PDF
    Evolution and palaeoceological significance of the paleobiocoenosis from the Upper Ordovician strata in the Shun-6 well, central Tarim Basin
    CAI Xi-yao, JIANG Hong-xia
    2014, 34(3): 12-19.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics of the second member of the Kongdian Formation in the Weibei depression, Shandong
    SUN Yao-ting, LI Mao-rong, SONG Lai-liang, XU Hao-qing, GUO Li-li
    2014, 34(3): 20-30.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphic framework and lithologic traps in the Jiufotang Formation, Ludong depression, Kailu Basin, Inner Mongolia
    LIU Ming-jie, XIE Qing-bin, TAN Xin-yu, WANG Peng, BAI Lu-shan, SUN Xiao-ming
    2014, 34(3): 31-37.
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of the Palaeogene strata and their fossil assemblages in the Lushan Formation, Lianhe region, Hongya, Sichuan
    YAN Liang, ZHAO Bing, ZHOU Yu-xuan, LI Yang
    2014, 34(3): 38-43.
    Abstract PDF
    Porportions of deltas in downwarped basin deposits
    ZHANG Mei-hua
    2014, 34(3): 44-51.
    Abstract PDF
    A new explanation and geological significance of transgression and regression in sequence stratigraphy
    YUE Liang, WU He-yuan, LI Hong-ying
    2014, 34(3): 52-56.
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution of the Cretaceous strata in the piedmont area of the Western Kunlun Mountains, Xinjiang
    XIE Hui-wen, ZHU Ya-dong, ZENG Chang-ming, XU Yong, LI Xiao-juan, LI Long-jiang, WU Xiao-hua
    2014, 34(3): 57-63.
    Abstract PDF
    High-frequency sequence stratigraphic division and correlation for the WZ11-4N Oil Field in the Weixinan depression by using the Milankovitch theory
    SUN Mei-jing, LIU Jie
    2014, 34(3): 64-71.
    Abstract PDF
    Hydrocarbon accumulation in the upper submember of the 4th member of the Shahejie Formation in the Gubei depression, Zhanhua, Shandong
    XIN Ye
    2014, 34(3): 72-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation model in eastern Precaspian Basin
    HU Yang, XIA Bin, WANG Yan-kun, WAN Zhi-feng, CAI Zhou-rong
    2014, 34(3): 78-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Types and significance of the deep-water reservoirs in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea
    WANG Yan
    2014, 34(3): 82-87.
    Abstract PDF
    The tuffs from the Jiulongshan Formation in the Chengde Basin, northern Hebei: LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age dating and its geological implications
    ZHANG Yun-qiang, CHEN Hai-yan, WEI Wen-tong, CHEN Chao, LIU Ying-long, ZHANG Liguo, ZHU Zhi-pan
    2014, 34(3): 88-95.
    Abstract PDF
    Lead isotopes in the sulfide ores from the Shesuo and Lawu copper deposits, northern Xizang
    LI Yun, ZHAO Yuan-yi
    2014, 34(3): 96-105.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical signatures and mineralization environments of the element gallium from the Hongguandu bauxite deposit in Chongqing
    SUN Jie, ZHAO Xiao-dong, LI Jun-min, CHEN Li, LU Tao, CHEN Yang, JIA De-long
    2014, 34(3): 106-112.
    Abstract PDF