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    Sequence stratigraphic division, correlation and geological significance of the Jurassic strata in the northern Qiangtang depression, northern Xizang
    ZHANG Run-he, SI Chun-song, CHEN Ming, MA Li-qiao, WANG Peng-wan, TAN Fu-wen
    2015, 35(2): 1-7.
    Abstract PDF
    Types and distribution of the braided channel reservoir sandstones in the Karamay Formation in Quadrant 1 of the Karamay Oil Field, Xinjiang
    YANG Ting, JIN Zhen-kui, ZHANG Lei, ZHAO Kun, LIU An
    2015, 35(2): 8-15.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary evolution of the upper member of the Guantao Formation in northern Xinbei Oil Field, Shandong
    ZOU Juan, DAI Jun-sheng, JI Guo-sheng, JI Wen-hui, TIAN Bo
    2015, 35(2): 16-21.
    Abstract PDF
    Depositional systems in the Lower Cretaceous Xiagou Formation, Ying'er depression, Jiuquan Basin, Gansu
    DUAN Run-mei, GE Wei, YANG Zhu-wei
    2015, 35(2): 22-28.
    Abstract PDF
    The storm deposits from the Meso-to Neoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang and Wumishan Formations in the Yanshan region, northern China
    LUO Jun-mei, LUO Shun-she, ZHU Jun-qiang, DONG Wen-yi
    2015, 35(2): 29-34.
    Abstract PDF
    Hydrocarbon accumulation in the Yanchang Formation, Majiatan Oil Field, Ordos Basin
    MA Guo-liang
    2015, 35(2): 35-44.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics of the Shahejie Formation in the Zhangdong district, Chenghai Oil Field, Hebei
    MENG Yuan-ku, WANG Xin-wen, CHEN Jie, HUANG Li
    2015, 35(2): 45-53.
    Abstract PDF
    Black shale reservoirs from the Wufeng and Longmaxi Formations in northeastern Chongqing
    GUO Xiu-mei, WANG Jian, YANG Yu-ning, ZHOU Ye-xin, NIU Bing-chao
    2015, 35(2): 54-59.
    Abstract PDF
    Provenance analysis of the Qigu Formation in the eastern Fukang region, Xinjiang
    LIU Ya-nan, WANG Gan-lu, WANG Yan-zhang, HE Ming-qin, LIU Yang
    2015, 35(2): 60-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Division of the tectonic units in northwestern Yunnan
    WANG Ze-chuan, ZHAO Mao-chun, YAN Cheng-min, ZHU Yan-zhe
    2015, 35(2): 66-75.
    Abstract PDF
    LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages, petrogeochemistry and tectonic significance of the Indosinian basic intrusive rocks in the Tengxian region, southeastern Guangxi
    XU Hua, HUANG Bing-cheng, NI Zhan-xu, HAN Shu-peng, PAN Yi-wen, HUANG Ying
    2015, 35(2): 76-87.
    Abstract PDF
    Genesis and tectonic significance of the Kuda ophiolites in western Kunlun Mountains, Xinjiang
    YANG Jun, CAI Ke-ke, ZHAO Zhi-qiang, WANG Shi-wei, GAN Hai-tao
    2015, 35(2): 88-96.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical signatures and tectonic setting of the basalts from the Dongqiao region, Xizang
    HUANG Qiang-tai, XIA Bin, LI Qiang, ZHONG Yun, HU Xi-chong, ZHENG Hao
    2015, 35(2): 97-103.
    Abstract PDF
    Three-dimensional structural modeling: Present and future
    ZHAO Heng, GUO Jian-ming, ZHENG Jian-jing, GUAN Bao-wen, ZHENG You-wei
    2015, 35(2): 104-112.
    Abstract PDF