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    Sedimentary environments of the Upper Triassic Tumengela Formation in the Woruo Mountain area in the Qiangtang Basin,Xizang
    FENG Xing-lei, FU Xiu-gen, TAN Fu-wen, CHEN Wen-bin
    2018, 38(2): 3-13.
    Abstract PDF
    Molecular geochemistry and geological significance of the Lower Carboniferous Zaduo Group in Eastern Qiangtang Basin,Xizang
    CHEN Wen-bin, FU Xiu-gen, TAN Fu-wen, ZENG Sheng-qiang, FENG Xing-lei, SONG Chun-yan, WANG Dong
    2018, 38(2): 14-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Trace element geochemical signatures and significance of the Buqu Formation dolostones in southern Qiangtang depression
    Wan You-li, Wang Jian, Fu Xiu-gen, Wang Dong
    2018, 38(2): 23-35.
    Abstract PDF
    Diagenetic fabrics and genetic significance of the dolostones from the Angdaerco area in the Qiangtang Basin
    WANG Dong, WAN You-li, FU Xiu-gen, FENG Xing-lei, CHEN Wen-bin
    2018, 38(2): 36-44.
    Abstract PDF
    Cathodoluminescence features and diagenetic stage division of the carbonate rocks in Buqu Formation of Jurassic,Southern Qiangtang Depression,Tibet
    Sun Wei, Chen Ming, Wan youli, Xie shangke, Chen hao
    2018, 38(2): 45-54.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics of the oil shales from the Dingqinghu Formation and evaluation of favourable oil shale exploration areas in the Lunpola Basin,Xizang
    Xie Shang-ke, Wang Jian, Fu Xiu-gen, Du Bai-wei
    2018, 38(2): 55-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and significance of the biomarkers in the source rocks from the Permian Zhanjin Formation in the Qiangtang Basin,northern Xizang
    CAO Jun-feng, SONG Chun-yan, FU Xiu-gen, SUN Wei
    2018, 38(2): 64-73.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies and palaeogeography of the Middle Jurassic Buqu Formation in the Longeni-Esima ancient oil reservoirs zone,Qiangtang Basin,northern Xizang
    Chen Hao, Chen Ming, Sun Wei, Wang Yuke
    2018, 38(2): 74-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluid inclusions in authigenic quartz and hydrocarbon accumulation in the Dengying Formation in Renhuai,northern Guizhou
    Yang Ping, LiuJia-hong, Yang Fei, Wang Zheng-jiang, He Jiang-lin
    2018, 38(2): 82-93.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical signatures of the trace elements in the Neogene lignites in the Husa Basin,western Yunnan
    XIA Yu, WU Hao, ZHOU Ken-ken, CHEN Xiao-wei, ZHANG Jian-jun, LI Jin-wen, KONG Ran
    2018, 38(2): 94-102.
    Abstract PDF
    U-Pb dating of the detrital zircons from the Lancang Group Complex in western Yunnan and its geological significance
    XU Yun-fei, CONG Feng, LIU Jun-ping, SUN Bai-dong, HUANG Xiao-ming
    2018, 38(2): 103-112.
    Abstract PDF