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    Reconstruction of main types for oceanic plate strata in the subduction-accretionary complex and feature of sequence for each type: an example from the Qinghai-Tibet Tethyan Permian strata
    ZHANG Kexin, HE Weihong, XU Yadong, ZHANG Xionghua, SONG Bowen, KOU Xiaohu, WAMG Guocan
    2021, 41(2): 137-151. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.02016
    Abstract PDF
    How to recognize the highly dismembered ocean floor plateau-seamount system in accretionary complexes?
    XIAO Qinghui, LIU Yong, CHENG yang, QIU Ruizhao, FAN Yuxu, PEI Fei, YANG Bin
    2021, 41(2): 152-162. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.02006
    Abstract PDF
    Constraining the obduction process of the Dongqiao ophiolite in the Bangongco-Nujiang suture zone by the sedimentary record
    MA Anlin, HU Xiumian
    2021, 41(2): 163-175. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.03008
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    Subduction of the Paleozoic intra-oceanic arc terrane as an important mechanism for the formation of the South Qiangtang accretionary complex: evidence from Riwanchaka intra-oceanic arc
    LI Dian, WANG Genhou, LIU Zhengyong, LIU Jiaqi, LI Chao, LIU Han, TANG Yu, FENG Yipeng
    2021, 41(2): 176-189. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.02002
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    The evolution of the Xar Moron tectonic belt in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Constraints from evidences of deformation and low-temperature thermochronology
    ZHANG Jin, QU Junfeng, LIU Jianfeng, WANG Yannan, ZHAO Heng, ZHAO Shuo, ZHANG Beihang, ZHENG Rongguo, YUN Long, YANG Yaqi, NIU Pengfei
    2021, 41(2): 190-217. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.02010
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    Evolution of the Southwest Indian Ocean and its relative geochemical evidences from magmatism
    LI Wei, JIN Zhenmin, TAO Chunhui
    2021, 41(2): 218-231. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.03006
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    Late Triassic tectono-magmatism of northern Sanjiang and associated several scientific problems
    ZHU Di-Cheng, WANG Qing, ZHAN Qiong-Yao, XIE Jin-Cheng
    2021, 41(2): 232-245. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.03002
    Abstract PDF
    The temporal and spatial framework and its tectonic evolution of the Jinsha River arc-basin system, Southwest China
    WANG Baodi, WANG Liquan, WANG Dongbing, LI Fenqi, TANG Yuan, WANG Qiyu, YAN Guochuan, WU Zhe
    2021, 41(2): 246-264. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.02008
    Abstract PDF
    Genesis and evolution of the structural systems during the cenozoic in the Sanjiang orogenic belt, Southwest China
    YIN Fuguang, PAN Guitang, SUN Zhiming
    2021, 41(2): 265-282. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.02014
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    Major progresses of geological survey and research in East Tethys:An overview
    WANG Li-quan, WANG Bao-di, LI Guang-ming, WANF Dong-bing, PENG Zhi-min
    2021, 41(2): 283-296. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.01008
    Abstract PDF
    Paleozoic tectonic framework and evolution of the central and western Tethys
    GENG Quanru, LI Wenchang, WANG Liquan, ZENG Xiangting, PENG Zhimin, ZHANG Xiangfei, ZHANG Zhang, CONG Feng, GUAN Junlei
    2021, 41(2): 297-315. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.02012
    Abstract PDF
    A brief review on the tectonic evolution of the west Tethysides
    YUAN Sihua, LIU Yongjiang, CHANG Ruihong, NEUBAUER Franz, GENSER Johann, GUAN Qingbing, HUANG Qianwen
    2021, 41(2): 316-331. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.02004
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    A response of volcanic rocks to the India-Asia continental collision: A case study on Linzizong volcanic rocks in Linzhou, Tibet
    DONG Guochen, MO Xuanxue, ZHAO Zhidan, ZHU Dichen
    2021, 41(2): 332-339. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.03004
    Abstract PDF
    The Early Paleozoic magmatism in Qiangtang, northern Tibet and its geological significance
    XIE Chao-ming, LI Cai, ZHAI Qing-guo, LIU Yi-ming, WANG Ming, HU Pei-yuan, FAN Jian-jun
    2021, 41(2): 340-350. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.01004
    Abstract PDF
    New exploration progresses, resource potentials and prospecting targets of strategic minerals in the southern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    LI Guangming, ZHANG Linkui, ZHANG Zhi, XIA Xiangbiao, LIANG Wei, HOU Chunqiu
    2021, 41(2): 351-360. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.03012
    Abstract PDF