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    Progress and prospects in the research on pore structures of organic-rich mud shales
    CAO Yan, JIN Zhijun, ZHU Rukai, LIU Kouqi, LIANG Xinping
    2024, 44(2): 231-252. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.06004
    Abstract PDF
    The coupling mechanism between geomorphology of shale sedimentary and differential enrichment of shale gas in Longmaxi Formation in Changning area
    WEI Guodong, TAN Xiucheng, LIU Rui, ZHANG Kangbin, ZHENG Jian, LIU Hong, CHEN Lei, TANG Kui
    2024, 44(2): 253-266. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2022.12005
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary environment and shale gas exploration potential of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in northern Guizhou
    HE Hongxi, XIAO Jiafei, YANG Haiying, LAN Qing, HUANG Mingliang
    2024, 44(2): 267-277. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.03002
    Abstract PDF
    Development characteristics, distribution patterns and favorable exploration zones of Permian reef shoals in Sichuan Basin
    FENG Xukui, YANG Yu, ZHU Yadong, CUI Yongping, CHEN Hui, WU Furong, ZANG Dianguang, NI Hualing, WU Yulin, XU Baoliang, GUO Haiyang
    2024, 44(2): 278-294. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.01003
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary features of gentle-slope tide-influenced braided delta: A case study of Carboniferous Kalashayi Formation in Tahe Oilfield
    ZHANG Ruolin, LIU Yan, JIN Siding, ZHOU Yang
    2024, 44(2): 295-310. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.02015
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of Ordovician sedimentation and the discovery of storm deposition in the Wangcang area , northern Sichuan
    WANG Muyuan, MOU Chuanlong, WANG Xiuping, HOU Qian, WANG Qiyu
    2024, 44(2): 311-325. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.04008
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and geological significance of inclusions in searlesite from the Fengcheng Formation in the Junggar Basin, China.
    LIU Jinlong, WANG Guozhi, LI Na, ZHAO Fufeng, LEI Qing, LIU Gang, JING Yang, WANG Ziang
    2024, 44(2): 326-338. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.06002
    Abstract PDF
    Calcifying cyanobacteria in dendrolites of the Cambrian Zhangxia Formation: A case study of the Houziyu section in Ezhuang Town, Zibo City, Shandong Province
    WANG Xuan, MEI Chaojia, LI Chung-Ⅱ
    2024, 44(2): 339-350. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2022.10003
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution characteristics and genesis of unconformity surfaces from Late Ordovician to Jurassic in Tarim Basin
    LI Kuayue, NENG Yuan, HUANG Shaoying, DUAN Yunjiang, HOU Xiaoxiao, HU Jianning, FU Yonghong, JIANG Shuai
    2024, 44(2): 351-368. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2024.04004
    Abstract PDF
    Sub-layer division and correlation based on well-seismic combination and step-by-step interface constraint: A case study of the Taiyuan-Lower Shihezi Formation in the Shilijiahan of the Hangjinqi area
    LI Hongtao, CHEN Di, ZHANG Zhanyang, LIU Qingbin, XUN Xiaoquan, GUI Pingjun, CAO Tongsheng, HAO Ting, WEN Lifeng
    2024, 44(2): 369-383. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2024.05003
    Abstract PDF
    Features and origin of calcirudites in the first member of Feixianguan Formation in Guangyuan area, northwestern Sichuan Province
    QIAO Dan, ZHANG Biao, YIN He, DUAN Xiong, SHI Zhiqiang
    2024, 44(2): 384-398. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2022.07001
    Abstract PDF
    Origins and significance of siliceous minerals in the shale reservoirs of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in the Zheng'an area, northern Guizhou
    FENG Bing, SHEN Jianing, LI Long, WANG Sheng, HE Xinbing, QIN Renyue, LI Gangquan
    2024, 44(2): 399-410. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2024.05001
    Abstract PDF
    Re-Os isotope dating of molybdenite from Shangalon Cu-Au deposit in the Wunto-Popa magmatic arc, Myanmar and its geological significance
    LENG Qiufeng, WU Songyang, LIU Shusheng, NIE Fei, ZHANG Bin
    2024, 44(2): 411-420. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.09002
    Abstract PDF
    Petrogeochemistry, chronology, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions, and geological significance of the ore-causative intrusion in the Langdu skarn deposit, northwest Yunnan
    MO Lei, SHEN Qiwu, CHEN Xilian, WU Lianrong, ZHANG Chuanyu, DONG Qiaofeng, SU Xiaoyu, SHI Baosheng, YU Haijun, LENG Chengbiao
    2024, 44(2): 421-436. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.11004
    Abstract PDF
    The Late Cretaceous magmatism and Sn-Ag-Pb-Zn-W polymetallic mineralization in Bozhushan ore concentration area, southeast Yunnan
    LIU Xuelong, LI Wenchang, ZHANG Shitao, LONG Qihe, MENG Guangzhi, ZHANG Hong, ZHOU Jiehu, CHENG Jialong, ZHU Jun, LU Bode, DAO Junshan, LIU Yi, CHEN Xianchao
    2024, 44(2): 437-453. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2024.04006
    Abstract PDF
    Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the Balong intermediate dyke swarms in East Kunlun Paleo-Tethyan orogenic belt
    CHU Zhiqiang, YAN Dongdong, ZHAO Han, GONG Tingting, XIONG Fuhao
    2024, 44(2): 454-466. DOI: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.02009
    Abstract PDF