A Discussion on the Stratigraphic Framework of Sedimentary Basins
Graphical Abstract
In great demand of exploring and perfecting the theories and methods of basin analysis,the author,in this paper, tries to discuss in detail the stratigraphic Tramework of sedimentary basins on the basis of the study of some examples abroad. The stratigraphic framework of sedimentary basin is one of the most important and basic parameters which may be measured by the external and internal geometrical shapes and accumulational features of the beds in the basins. The internal geometrical shapes of the basins depend on solid geometrical shapes of the stratigraphic units and unit sequences. The different types of units are commonly of distinct analytical significances. The accumulational features of the beds are bound to be related to sedimentary environments. The study of the stratigraphic framework of sedimentary basins mainly includes the determination of depositional events and episodes. The key to the interpretation is how to distinguish time-stratigraphic units. The functions and importance of the stratigraphic framework are classified into six aspects,i, e. the establishment of the chronostratigraphic charts for the evolution of the basins; the establishment of the regional charts for the cycles of relative changes of sea levels or palaeotectonic cycles which may be used in the regional or global stratigraphic correlation, etc..